Some of Sanskrit Wisdom
Sanskrit Wisdom;
Sanskrit phrases that are often used for their wisdom or meaningfulness:
1. Satyameva Jayate - Truth alone triumphs.
2.Yathā Bhāsi Tathā Tava (Yathā Bhāsi Tathā Tava) - As you are, so am I.
3. Śreyān Svadharmo Viguṇaḥ Paradharmāt Svaniṣṭhitāt - It is better to fail in one's own duty than to succeed in the duty of another.
4.May all be happy (Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaḥ) - May all be happy
5. One sees oneself through the eyes of another (Ātmanaṃ Paśyati Ātmanā Anyo) - One sees oneself through the eyes of another.
6. Mātṛdevo Bhava (Mātṛdevo Bhava) - Treat your mother as God.
7.Love is truth (Prema Satya Hai) - Love is truth.
8. Shilam Parama Bhūṣaṇam (Śīlaṃ Parama Bhūṣaṇam) - Character is the highest ornament.
9. Yogasthaḥ Kuru Karmāṇi - Perform your duties
with equanimity.
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