The Indelible Ink of Oppression: A Call for Solidarity with Minorities
In every corner of the globe, minorities face the harsh realities of subjugation and violence. Their voices are silenced, their rights are trampled upon, and their lives are constantly under threat. In Myanmar, the Rohingya people have been subjected to a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing, with thousands killed and hundreds of thousands forced to flee their homes. In China, the Uighur Muslims are being systematically persecuted, with many being detained in internment camps where they are subjected to torture and forced assimilation. In India, Muslims and Christians are facing increasing discrimination and violence, with Hindu extremists emboldened by the rise of the right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party. The world needs more people who are willing to stand up for peace and harmony. However, the politicization of everything has made it increasingly difficult to achieve these goals. Every issue is seen through a partisan lens, and there is little room for compromise or understanding....